SolarWind Buildings

Food Shortage from Droughts

I would like to ask if you and your engineering colleagues might be prepared to someday soon appreciate the promise that there really is at least one means by which thriving families could live comfortable lifestyles-- surrounded by the infrastructure necessary to support them-- with these lifestyles affordably operating virtually free from the need for farm grown vegetables and consumable fossil fuels?

Overlooked in the quest by others for this goal, have been the tremendous advantages that are opened up if one just but looks at the possibilities of fully modifying end-use structures in pursuit of building designs most directly integrative with their own individual energy systems.

Taking this approach, I have received patents on part of a durable, vertically oriented, see-through building solar energy design which could produce mechanical or electrical energy at less than one fifth of the cost (per unit of output) of any extant solar system. But, to maximize its effectiveness, this system must be integrated with the below-described gyroscopic building sway stabilization system. (No more view-blocking peripheral, diagonal bracing!) This corner located system (more than coincidentally), doubles, when less than Force 10 storm winds are experienced, as a wind energy conversion system.

If you could be interested in reviewing this briefly outlined proposal (below), you will note that this approach would result in a wind energy system uniquely free from the vibration (and attendant "fretting corrosion") and bird killing problems plaguing all large lift type airfoil systems, as well as result in a system which would be over four times more cost effective (per unit of output) than any other wind system-- provided one also could find a simultaneous need for a secure, new, flood-bermed high-rise building (with an attendant greenhouse-topped parking garage having a gravity fed garbage energy recovery system in its sub basement) located adjacent to a railroad siding. (And/or, can we all afford to try to just live off of a mountain of stored can goods?)

While the U.S. economy is still capable of facilitating the construction of this partially described means for seriously beginning a quest for the achievement of independence from desiccated farms and imported oil and gas, who is to say how long before this particular window of opportunity will (like nuclear fission power and the houses which single wage income families once could afford) irretrievably slip back out of our financial reach?

Could you, therefore, be persuaded to assist in some major way in the development of this methodology?